About Al Manarat Heights
“Al-Manarat School aims to nurture each child in their spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and emotional growth in light of the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)”
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide an education that is academically rigorous, morally empowering, spiritually attuned and a source of transformation.
Our Vision
“Al-Manarat School aims to nurture each child in their spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and emotional growth in light of the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)”
Our Journey
  • 2006: Founded by Nasreen Ali in a small basement with 7 students
  • 2007-2009: Educated Muslim youth and ladies with the basic understanding of the Qur’an
  • 2010: Collaborated with MCNA (Muslim Children of North America)
  • 2011: Rented Mississauga Secondary School to conduct the evening program to accommodate the growing population
  • 2012: Registered as a Canadian organization by the name of Al-Manarat Academy
  • 2012-2013: Expanded the Evening Program at Mississauga Secondary School to the Weekend Program
  • 2014-2016: Rented Iqra Islamic School to conduct the Al-Manarat Weekend School
  • 2016: Founded Al-Manarat Heights Islamic School at Derry and Argentia Road from Casa 1 & 2 to Grade 8 along with Hifz
  • 2016: Conducted Al-Manarat Heights Islamic School at Meadowvale Four Rinks Community Centre while construction was under-way and Weekend School at Iqra Islamic School
  • 2017: Moved all the programs to Al-Manarat School at Derry and Argentia Road
  • 2018 – 2019: Expanded the Hifz program, introduced Ramadan Tafsir Program, Quranic Arabic for adults, Basketball team, Youth Camp, Fund raised for causes and other new community initiatives
  • 2021: Launched an Islamic High School (Grade 9 only)
  • 2021: Approved by the Ministry of Education to grant credits towards OSSD.
  • 2022: Launched Grade 10 at the Al-Manarat High School
  • 2023: Expanded Al-Manarat High School to new facility
  • 2023: Expanded Al-Manarat High School to new facility
  • 2024: Launched Grade 12 at the Al-Manarat High School
  • 2024: Expanded Al-Manarat school facility for Heights and High school
  • 2025: Ranked #1 out of 3000+ Schools in Ontario by Fraser Institude
Our Core Competency
  • Ontario Curriculum Infused Islamic Curriculum
  • Most Comprehensive and Holistic Islamic Curriculum
  • Tarbiyyah Based Long Term Student Teacher Relationship
  • Provincial and National Contest Exposure
  • Maximized Retention
  • Skills Development for out of school Benefit
Goals of the Pedagogical System
“Taqwa” God-Oriented
Taqwa is being aware that Allah is aware of us. It’s being cautious and fearful of disappointing Allah. Taqwa is being adamant on benefitting from every opportunity to earn Allah’s pleasure.
“Itqan” Excellence Driven
Itqan is an attribute to complete every task in the most focussed and precise manner. Developing an attitude that is rooted in discipline and propulsion towards excellence. Training students in grit and perseverance is part and parcel of our curriculum.
“Amanah” Trust
We, at AlManarat Islamic School aim to develop a sense of responsibility in our students. Islam can be summarized in one ayah “Those who fulfill their commitment whenever they commit.” Our students will be nurtured to fulfill their commitments to Allah, the Prophet, the family, the community and Ummah at large.
“Akhlaaq” Comportment
The greatest duty of educators is to restore comportment into education. We believe that what can be taught through compassion and wisdom can never be internalized through fear and force. A prospective graduate of the school will be trained to develop themselves as a charismatic leader, a prolific writer or academic contributor and at the least a community activist.