“Al-Manarat School aims to nurture each child in their spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, and emotional growth in light of the Quran and teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)”
Register for Al-Manarat Heights

Application Year

Section A: Grade Classification

Section B: Applicant’s Information

Section C: Previous School Information

Section D: Parent's/Guardian's Information

Parent 1
Parent 2

Section E: Emergency Contact Information

Section F: School Directory

I authorize Al-Manarat Heights Islamic School to include the names, email addresses and other contact information for our immediate family in the school directory from the new student application form.

Section G: Medical Information


Section H: Financial Contract


  • Payment Date: 1st of each Month. No other payment dates will be considered
  • Leave: Any student who takes a leave of absence from school for any length of time during the academic year must pay full fees for that period


  • NO REFUND of Tuition Fee for the semester and Supply Fee in case student chooses to withdraw their names from the school for any given reason. (WITHDRAWAL FORM can be obtained at the Administration Office)
  • NO REFUND of Tuition Fee for the semester and Supply Fee in case if student is found in violation of school regulations and asked to withdraw from the school
  • NO REFUND will be made case of holidays, absences or if classes are cancelled due to the calamities (e.g.: Weather)

Fee Structure Academic Year 2024 / 2025

GRADE LEVEL Tuition Fee / Child (10 Months) New Student Registration Fee (Non Refundable) Supply Fee (Non Refundable) Ancillary Fee
MONTESSORI JK (CASA 1) $650 / month $100 $375 / year $200 / year
MONTESSORI SK (CASA 2) $650 / month $100 $375 / year $250 / year
GRADE 1 & 2 $600 / month $100 $375 / year $200 / year
GRADE 3 $600 / month $100 $375 / year $255 / year
GRADE 4 & 5 $600 / month $100 $375 / year $200 / year
GRADE 6 $610 / month $100 $375 / year $255 / year
GRADE 7 $610 / month $100 $375 / year $200 / year
GRADE 8 $610 / month $100 $375 / year $250 / year
HIFZ $580 / month $100 $250 / year $200 / year
Extended Hours
Grades: Montessori to Grade 8
Extended Hours (3:30-5:00pm) $ 300 / month
Preschool Fees
Full Day $ 765 / month
Half Day (8:30am to 12pm) OR (12pm-3:30pm) $ 550 / month
Registration Fee (only for new students) $ 100 (non-refundable)
Supply & Ancillary Fee (Field Trips) $ 250 per student / year

Direct Deposit Information


Section I: Please Scan and Upload the Following Documents


Section J: Consent/Signature

CONDITIONS OF REGISTRATION & ADMISSION a) I take full responsibility to enroll my child at Al-Manarat Heights and to pay, on the specified times, all tuition fees, dues, accounts, and other indebtedness incurred by my child. b) I understand and agree that the school will not be responsible for anything that may happen as a result of false information given or information withheld at the time of enrolment, on “Registration Form”, “Financial Contract Form”, “Medical Form” and any such false information may lead to my child’s dismissal from the school. c) I agree to provide all supporting documentations required on “Registration Form”. d) I am financially responsible and agree to the terms and conditions provided in “Financial Contract Form”. e) In the case of absence, withdrawal or removal from the school or any of its services, I am still obliged to pay all applicable fees as provided in the “Financial Contract Form”. f) I further understand that, if the tuition fee is outstanding, the student will not be eligible to resumes classes until such time as the outstanding amount has been cleared. g) In the event that any school related fees, text books, library books or any other material belonging to Al-Manarat Heights are outstanding, report cards will not be issued until such time as the outstanding account has been cleared. h) I understand that Al-Manarat Heights does not have the resources or facilities to accommodate special needs students, gifted children and children with learning and physical disabilities. i) I hereby grant permission for my child to be included in any pictures and /or video connected with the school program and promotion of the school. j) I understand that Al-Manarat or it’s teachers or it’s students are not responsible for the activities of individual students on social media platforms. k) I hereby grant permission for my child to use all the play equipment and to participate in all school activities. l) I hereby grant permission for my child to use the internet for academic purposes. m) I hereby grant permission for my child to ride a school bus and leave the school premises under the supervision of a staff member to participate in school trips. I understand that if my child is not participating, he or she must stay home. n) I understand that no parent can misbehave with the school staff or any other student. Any serious concerns should be brought to the administration and the administration along with the parents will mediate the situation in an officially capacity. o) I understand that the stuudents will arrive to school between 8am and 8:15am and no later than 8:30am. A student who enters after 8:30am will be marked late. If the student is late more than three times in a semester, then progressive disciplinary action will be taken. p) I understand that if a student needs to speak with a parent during school hours, they should get a written notice from the class teacher to the administrator. If the administrator feels necessary, then the admin will communicate with the parent directly. The students will not be interrupted from their class to speak with the parents. q) I have read, understood and agree to comply and follow the policies and procedures and code of conduct as stated in the Al-Manarat Heights “School Policy Manual”. r) I acknowledge that I have read and understood the description of Al-Manarat Heights and have had all of my questions answered to my satisfaction and that I am aware of the programs which my child will be participating in as a student of Al-Manarat Heights.
ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT MUNICIPAL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PROTECTION OF PRIVACY ACT: The personal information you have provided on this form and any other correspondence relating to your involvement in our programs is collected by the Al-Manarat Heights under the authority of the Education Act (R.S.O. 1990 c.E.2) ss. 58.5, 265and 266 as amended. The information will be used to register and place the student in a school, to communicate school related information and activities to parent/guardian via email if provided, or for a consistent purpose such as the allocation of staff and resources and to give information to employees to carry out their job duties. In addition, the information may be used to deal with matters of health and safety or discipline and is required to be disclosed in compelling circumstances or for law enforcement matters or in accordance with any other Act. The information will be used in accordance with the Education Act, the regulations, and guidelines issued by the Minister of Education governing the establishment, maintenance, use, retention, transfer and disposal of pupil records. For questions about this collection, please speak to your school principal. In case of emergency, and the disclosure of health related information to the Medical Officer of Health. Questions regarding this collection and use of personal information should be directed to the Office.